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Resource Library - Digital Forms

Digital forms available in the Resource section of Josh Phegan Digital.

Josh Phegan avatar
Written by Josh Phegan
Updated over 6 months ago
  1. Our new Digital forms are now available to access in our Resource Library. For more information on accessing the Resource Library, see the help article linked below.

  2. To see all available Digital forms, use the filter in the Resource Section 'Digital Forms'.

  3. Our new Digital forms have been created as an example of what can be implemented into your business. If you would like us to share a copy of the forms to your Typeform account so you can start editing and using them, fill out the form After a copy of our Digital forms? in the Resource Library and we will get a copy sent to you. Please note, you will need to have a paid Typeform account for us to be able to share them.

Dialogue Master

The Dialogue Master is a training tool using all of the scripts from the Blue-print Manual, to help improve your dialogue when making calls. It can be used directly out of Josh Phegan Digital or we can send you a copy for you to edit, using the steps above.

  1. Open the form and enter your details.

  2. Select which type of call you're making.

  3. Follow through the steps, entering the answers to the questions as you get them. Each answer you write will lead you to the next step in the script sequence.

  4. At the end of the call you have the option to make another call or end the call session there.

    See below for another helpful article.

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